cs@dexterline.com • (212) 401-4386
Hello, Guest

Terms of Sale Agreement

DexterLine offers services that allow you to sell certain consumer electronic products. After you complete check out on the DexterLine website, and we are able to identify your product, DexterLine then gives you an offer on your item.

You must agree to abide by the following terms in order to use the DexterLine.

Services and/or the DexterLine Website

BY SETTING UP AN ACCOUNT, OR BY USING DEXTERLINE'S WEB SITE, YOU INDICATE THAT YOU AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS, WHICH MAY BE AMENDED AT ANY TIME BY POSTING THE AMENDED TERMS ON THE DexterLine WEBSITE. ANY AMENDED TERMS WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY AFTER THEY ARE POSTED. DexterLine reserves the right to terminate or suspend your use of the DexterLine Website and/or the DexterLine Services. If you do not comply with this Agreement or any other DexterLine policy or procedure, we, in our sole discretion, can determine termination.

1. About The Terms

These terms represent any proposition that you gain when you offer your Products to or through DexterLine. These terms legislate your utilization of DexterLine's net posts ("DexterLine’s Online contents"), the DexterLine Utilities and any other provisions incorporated. DexterLine’s  terms of protection revelations  which can be found  in the Privacy Policy and any  other supplemental terms or strategies that go with a particular transaction, offer, or requisition make up an assentation between you and DexterLine (the "Understanding"). You recognize and understand that this assentation is an electronic agreement and has the same compel and impact as an acquiescence in writing.
In this understanding, the term "you" or "your" connotes a single or substance practicing rights under this acquiescence, and the term "DexterLine," "we" or "us" connotes DexterLine and its associates and subsidiaries.

2. Requirements

Keep in mind that in order to finish any bargain of your Item to or through DexterLine and to complete any possible transaction with DexterLine, you must: (i) Make an account with us (ii) Provide accurate and qualified information about yourself and any products you submit to us: (iii) Obey all terms and states of this Agreement; (iv) Go along all pertinent laws and regulations, incorporating all import and fare laws as portrayed in Segment 15 below; (v). Partake in transactions only for the benefit of yourself and not for the benefit of others; and (vi) Have a legitimate limit to take part in understandings and to pass on titles and investments in any item that you submit to us.

Any request for installments for any electronic item you sell to DexterLine, should give us qualified information, incorporating a valid message location at which you are ready to appropriate any messages, a valid postal location at which you are ready to receive and send items from, and your first and last name. DexterLine will not be responsible for any invalid information you provide, and it is your responsibility to verify that you provided qualified and valid data. You are acknowledging that you could possibly get messages from DexterLine and DexterLine is not responsible for any messages that were not accepted by you in the event they get blocked or marked as spam. You understand and accept that you are fully responsible for providing correct and accurate information about yourself and your product. We will not be responsible for any invalid installments sent to an incorrect location, and any unclaimed finances may be subject to be collected by administrative powers under pertinent unclaimed subsidizes and escheat laws. You agree that we have no commitment to you if any of your unclaimed subsidizes are turned over to administrative powers.

3. Product Qualification

DexterLine certifies in its own discretion, which Products are qualified to be purchased through DexterLine and whatever products that are eligible for sale, DexterLine will provide a proposition for. DexterLine may terminate the eligibility of certain items at any point in time and without any prior notice. Such termination does not apply to any items which have already been offered a monetary proposition, which is applicable for fifteen (15) days in accordance with Segment 9 underneath.

4. Conditions Outlined

All items you trade or sell to DexterLine.com must be original products and in original condition without any unauthorized repairs.

DexterLine utilizes four fundamental Product Conditions to review products, going from "Flawless" to "Broken”. Conditions can fluctuate considerably between classifications and sorts of items.

DexterLine's Product Condition terms are broken down into four levels. Flawless: device looks like it has never been utilized, has no defects and is 100% functional. Good: device has visible indications of utilization, standard wear and tear but is still functioning. Fair: device is still functioning, has no hardware issues but may present some moderate physical defects like dents, scuffs and scratches. Broken: device does not turn on, severe physical damage may be present, may have functional defects but does not have any unauthorized repair attempts. The above definitions are broad guidelines. For more detailed condition definitions refer to DexterLine’s online content award screen. Condition definitions are subject to change at DexterLine's discretion. If you have any concerns verifying the condition of your item, please feel free to contact our customer service that will gladly assist you.

5. Product Evaluation

All monetary offers will be solely based on DexterLine’s discretion upon evaluation of your product. DexterLine will very cautiously confirm the product’s value, taking several variables into consideration. This may include the product’s model, physical and working condition and confirming if valid product descriptions were provided by you.  Once a deal is offered, you have the option of accepting or denying our monetary offer. If you accept our offer, the next steps would be to prepare your device for shipment. In the case you do not accept our offer, this particular transaction will then cease. If after a period of time you decide to then accept our deal, you will then have to open a new transaction. Due to time and other influencing factors the offer may be subject to change from the original transaction, hence why a new one would have to be opened.

6. Acknowledging Condition and All Responsibilities of the Device You Send

Any and all Products you try to sell online or offer to DexterLine should be in a condition to be able to be “quickly” repaired if needed.  Unless your product is completely in total loss condition, it is then specified as “Broken”.

The products, deals and shipments that occur with DexterLine should (a) consent to all pertinent laws and mandates, incorporating all import and fare laws as depicted in Segment 14 below, (b) should not infringe on third-party property rights (incorporating copyrights, trademarks, patents, barter insider facts or different exclusive rights), and (c) should not be fake or stolen.

You acknowledge and warrant that any items you send to DexterLine are unhindered, not under any current liens and not incorporating any third-gathering programming which would complicate or disallow any selling or transferring of ownership. By utilizing DexterLine and its utilities, you accept and understand if any previous charges are linked with your device, it will be your responsibility to cover those charges, or to repay DexterLine in that matter. This would also rupture any proposed agreements and warranties. It your obligation to suspend any device you send to DexterLine prior to selling it to us. DexterLine is not accountable for any aid charges identified with your item, prior during or after a proposition has been offered. If you acquire such charges prior, during or if you acquire such charges earlier, the same time as or following your utilization of the Aids. It is also your responsibility to make sure there are not any security codes on the device that would prevent anyone from utilizing the device.

7. Sending DexterLine Your Products

When preparing your products for shipment, make sure to package and include all materials and products that were stated in your online submission, which reflected our monetary proposition to you. This may include but not limit to any additional softwares, connectors, chargers, manuals or accessories. Failure to incorporate any items that were stated in your initial depiction, or sending us an item that does not match the description when the deal was computed may affect the worth of your item and an updated accord on our end to you.

8. Removing Information From Your Products

For products that may have specific software or programs that save documents or any other private information on hard drives, memory chips or the like, you should archive any information you wish to keep from your products and unroot any private data before you send us your item. DexterLine's standard is to of course, remove any and such information from your products but simultaneously, DexterLine makes no assurance that it will do so. By sending DexterLine your Item, you accept and understand that if any information is not archived on your end, and archived on our end after receiving the product, is not our responsibility. If any informative data from your device is altered, DexterLine will not be responsible. DexterLine is also not accountable for:  any misfortune endured by you because of any information that is not deleted from the unit and transferred to a third gathering, or (b) any misfortune of information occurring after you submit your products to us.

9. Product Investigation and Award Recalculation

Your products should be received by DexterLine within 15 days following the initial award offer provided to you by DexterLine. The check-out process should be finished on the DexterLine website (under the "Conveyance Period") to avoid any delays. DexterLine will investigate all products and has the choice to accept or deny any product without restriction.  Any item that does not match the description you provided, or the condition you described in, any product that  no longer accommodates to the initial production line details, or any item harmed or lost in transit may be rejected and sent back.

If DexterLine rejects any products for any of the proposed reasons, the initial offer automatically lapses and is cancelled. DexterLine claims the right to retract the initial award and furnish a reexamined accord for the products if: (a) the item or materials are not as depicted, (b) the products arrive past DexterLine’s  conveyance period, or (c) DexterLine discovers that the product(s)  are distinctively different  from when your proposition was offered.

10. Revised Offer

DexterLine evaluates all devices by hand. If DexterLine disagrees with the condition of the item the customer wants to sell online, the offer may decrease or increase accordingly. In this case DexterLine will send the customer an adjustment email with the new value of the item. DexterLine will explain the reasons of any changes. If the customer disagrees with the revised offer, DexterLine will return the item to the customer. If the customer believes there has been a mistake, the customer can request a re-assessment. The re-assessment will be conducted by a supervisor.

The best way to prevent a price drop is by providing as accurate information about your product as possible. Please ask for our assistance before creating a transaction, if you are not sure about the condition of your device.

11. Recalculated Item Offers Following Investigation

In the case that DexterLine recalculates the monetary proposition for your product, you have the choice of accepting or denying the new offer.  If you choose to accept the new offer, you will be paid accordingly as you have previously agreed to receive the payment. If you choose to deny the new offer, DexterLine will ship back your item to the address you originally sent your item from. DexterLine will give you a period of five (5) days to make a decision to accept or deny, after DexterLine notifies you of the new offer. DexterLine will additionally remind you during this period one or more times to accept or deny the offer. If no answer is received after this time period, the new offer will be assumed as accepted and DexterLine will proceed with sending out a payment. To avoid any situation of mistrust, accepting the first offer or any later offer will be irrevocable and you will not be able to change your decision after accepting any monetary offer.

12. Item Intelligibility

If we refuse to accept an item after it had been delivered to us previously, and subsequently returned, or when a customer requests that his or her device be returned after it had been delivered to us, this item automatically becomes ineligible for a second trade. Therefore, if a customer reships the same item to DexterLine, he or she will be charged for shipping, packaging and all the processing fees, which are not exceed $100.

13. Releasing Rights to an Item

Whenever you send your products to DexterLine, it becomes DexterLines property after being sold. Any previously claimed rights to the product and its contents by the seller become null and void after the transaction has taken place.

If DexterLine rejects the product or seller rejects a second offer for the products according to Segments 9 and 10 ("Benefit Situations"), the seller’s products will be returned, as stated in Segments 9 and 10.

14. Risk-Of-Misfortune

Seller remains responsible for any damage for the item until it has been transferred to DexterLine. The seller is responsible for any damage that may accrue to the product while in transit. DexterLine will become responsible for damages only after opening the packaging of the product. If DexterLine returns the product to the Seller for any reason, damages to product will again become the Seller’s responsibility, including during transit.

15. Item Lost

If a Seller claims that he or she shipped the package, but is not received, and the package has been lost by the post office, DexterLine requires a police report and the serial number of the device that was shipped. The same is required if a seller claims that he or she shipped a certain item, but we receives a different item instead.

16. Shipping

Any non-listed accessories shipped to DexterLine.com will not be returned. Cases, films, non-original accessories, covers or any other protective type devices that were left accidentally on the electronic will be thrown away. Seller is responsible for checking to make sure all accessories are removed prior to shipping.

The customer is responsible for proper packaging. It is important to cushion the contents of the package properly to prevent any further damage to the item.

Please be sure that you wrap each item separately. Each item in the box needs to be separated from all other items in the package. Make sure to cushion all sides and corners of each individual item.

A retail box is not an acceptable box for shipping.  If a retail box is used, it must be wrapped with additional protection and placed within an appropriate shipping box.

Each item should be surrounded by at least three inches of cushioning from each side and be placed at least three inches away from each wall of the box. This prevents product-against-product damage and protects contents from shock and vibration, which can pass from the outside of the box to the contents during shipping.

Please use proper cushioning material, combined with a strong outer container, to protect your shipment fully. Make sure you use enough cushioning material to ensure that the contents do not move when you shake the container.

Any type of padded envelopes is not acceptable for shipping electronic goods. These should not be used for iPad's, iPhone's, iPod's, laptops, cellphones, tablets or any other electronics.
Improper cushioning material includes clothing, blankets, towels, newspaper/newsprint, craft paper and pillows.

Customer will be responsible for item/damage cost if he/she used improper packaging material(s).

In the case that the customer requests that their items be returned before the title has been switched, DexterLine will have 14 business days to repack and ship the item.

All items being sent to DexterLine using our pre-paid shipping labels are insured and covered up to the max amount of $100.00 should a claim be granted/approved by the original shipping carrier.

As another option, any client (should they choose to do so) when sending in their device(s) can use their own label with insurance on it to ensure full coverage in any unfortunate event.

17. Passing of Title

Title to the material item goes to DexterLine upon DexterLine's reception of the product. In the case that there is not an agreement to sale price, the title will remain with the Seller.

18. Non-Transferable

Any deal by DexterLine for your products is non-transferable and not redeemable for any viable attention different than what is offered by DexterLine.

19. Import and Fare Laws

Seller must consent with all import and fare laws, regulations, governs and requests of the United States, or any different administration firm or power. Item should not be transferred in a roundabout way that does not fit within the sanction of the U.S. or outside administration. Seller bears all obligation regarding all overheads identifying with your agreeability with the depicted laws, regulations, governs and requests, and for acquiring all fundamental sanctions and clearances to pass on your Products to DexterLine, incorporating without restriction, valuation, order and jobs pertinent with the import of any products. It is important to note that the  U.S. barter endorses controlled by the Workplace of Non-native Stakes Control usually deny the importation into the United States (incorporating U.S. territories), either straight or in a roundabout way, of most merchandise, engineering, or utilities (not counting informative content and educational materials) from, or which started from Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Serbia, or Sudan; from different persons designated by the Secretary of State as having supported in any way, any weapons of mass destruction; named Nonnative Terrorist Conglomerations; designated terrorists and opiates traffickers. You would not be able to give or furnish to DexterLine for deal, any items that could violate the requirements of Section 15.

20. Promotions

From time to time, in DexterLine's sole discretion, DexterLine may give promotional deals as a motivation to clients. These promotions and offers are only offered to clients as an augmentation to selling an item to DexterLine, and are not stand alone deals.

These promotions are only for active clients who are selling their electronics to DexterLine and are the sole responsibility of the client to remember to use a promotional code before checkout. Once checkout has been completed, there is no longer an opportunity to request a promotion to be honored.

All rules and regulations of each promotion will be expressly outlined and easily accessed by the customer. DexterLine holds the right to deny as well as set limitations to each promotional value that has been offered to any client, for any reason.

21. Accuracy of all Qualified data

DexterLine tries to guarantee the correctness of all information given in connection to the item that is being sold. However, there may occasionally be typographical blunders, specialized errors, or valuing mistakes made. Because of this, DexterLine reserves the right at whatever time former to installment, to revise a lapse or update any proposition.

In the instance that the item has presently been sent to DexterLine, the altered accord will be considered a new transaction. DexterLine might choose to re-issue the original offer, which you may accept or reject, or choose to void the transaction. Depending on if the electronics were already sent to DexterLine, DexterLine will recalculate the monetary proposition as stated in Section 11.

22. Privacy

Throughout interaction with our customers, DexterLine will come across financial and private information. When you utilize the DexterLine Net Locales and the DexterLine Aids, we gather informative content about you. You must agree to provide this information in order to continue business, and you can view our rules and regulations in our Privacy Policy. This policy may be changed from time to time, but will be available for customers to review easily. In the event that you do not want us to gather any information, we suggest that you do not utilize our Network posts or utilities.

23. Electronic Transactions

By agreeing to do business with DexterLine, you also agree to sendinginformation required for the transaction electronically, including but not limited to agreeing to the Terms and Conditions. By doing business with us, you also agree to receive messages from DexterLine and must ensure that any email correspondence that is sent to your inbox is not caught or rejected by any message blocking functionalities. It is also important to provide a valid and usable email address when submitting information.  If you choose to stop business with DexterLine, you are able to recover and analyze this Acquiescence by clicking on the "Lawful" connection on the DexterLine website.

24. Access

Any charges assessed by your cell phone and data provider accrued during our business transaction are solely your responsibility. This includes any charges for connecting to our website or messaging rates.. Any charges that might be accrued on any DexterLine Utilities through a versatile or satellite unit, or for information, messages or different satellite access or correspondences utilities are all your responsibility to pay out of pocket.

25. Use of Aids

By utilizing the DexterLine Online presences, you agree not to (i) enter any of the Aids by any denotes (incorporating, without constraint, by utilization of scripts, network crawlers or comparable routines) different than through the user interface furnished by DexterLine; and (ii) participate in whatever possible movement that meddles with or disturbs the Aids or display of the DexterLine Online contents.

26. No Warranties

We furnish the DexterLine Utilities and all online presences "As Is," without express or implied warranties of any kind. We renounce any inferred warranties of merchantability, exactness, fitness for a specific reason, non-encroachment and the meant states of an acceptable value.

27. Limited Risk

On no occasion will DexterLine, it’s executives, officers, agents, members, executors or foremen be at risk for any compensatory, accidental, weighty or reformatory harms, misfortune of information, earnings or benefit, misfortune or harm to property, nor will they be held accountable for any harm from third party affiliates with your transaction with DexterLine. Some states do not permit the rejection or restriction of obligation of noteworthy or coincidental harms, so the above avoidances would not be able to have an association with all users; in such states obligation is restrained; minus all potential limitations degrees allowed by law.

28. Indemnity

You acquiesce to reimburse, safeguard, and keep DexterLine safe, its guardian, subsidiaries, officers, executives, representatives, operators, delegates, and merchants from and in opposition to, any and all guarantees, liabilities, harms, misfortunes, expenses, overheads, or charges (incorporating sensible lawyer expense) that such gatherings may cause, that come from you (or any individual utilizing your records) violating or breaking any terms under this understanding. We claim all authority to collect the elite barrier,  as well as control any matter generally subject to repayment by you and, in such case, you consent to coordinate with our resistance of such an assert.

29. Stolen or Lost Items

We at DexterLine.com do not buy items that have been reported as stolen or lost at the time of sale. If we receive a smartphone that has been locked and has contact information available on it that does not match the seller’s info, we will contact the owner and initiate a return.

If your electronic device has been lost or stolen, report the incident to your service provider and local police. They can prohibit your phone from being activated by another person. Most phones can be remotely locked and erased, so nobody will be able to sell your cell phone if it was stolen. You may put a message on the lock screen with a contact number in case your phone is located as well.

30. Entire Agreement/No Waiver

This acquiescence constitutes the whole understanding of the gatherings concerning business with DexterLine and its affiliates. The subtitles are utilized just as a matter of benefit and are not to be acknowledged as a part of this acquiescence. No waiver by DexterLine of any rupture or default hereunder, might be considered to be a waiver of any going before, or ensuing break or default.

Segments 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 18, 19, and 28 should survive termination of this acquiescence.

31. Returns

All returns from DexterLine.com must be paid and insured by the customer. DexterLine does not provide insurance on ANY returns. In some rare cases, DexterLine may provide a free return shipping label, but it will not be insured and DexterLine will not be liable for any sort of damage/loss to the returned package.  If the customer wishes to insure the return, after the return request, the customer will have 24 hours to email the prepaid shipping label to cs@DexterLine.com. Otherwise, DexterLine will use its own uninsured label.

The following situations are not legible for free returns.

1. Item(s) is/are reported as lost or stolen.

2. Bad IMEI items(s). Items that are still connected to a mobile account and/or still being financed.

3. Activation locked devices. For example, if Find My iPhone is turned on, on a device- the Google activation lock is then active.

4. Significantly not as described items. Here are some examples:

- Seller stated that they would be shipping an iPhone 8 but shipped an iPhone 4 instead.
- Seller stated item was in new condition but shipped an open box.
- Seller stated that accessories would be included but never included them.
- Fake/clone devices.

5. Customer decided to send item(s) back, due to no faults on DexterLine’s end, but on behalf of a personal error or preference.

If customer fails to pay the invoice within 3 days from the date of notification DexterLine will take the following actions.

- Recycle the device(s). This applies to stolen devices, bad IMEI devices, activation locked devices, and devices valued at $0.
- Process lower payment (if offered).
- Charge a fee.

The fee will include inbound shipping, labor and packaging, and outbound shipping. The fee may not exceed $100 per single item.
In the case that the customer requests that their items be returned before the title has been switched, DexterLine will have 14 business days to repack and ship the item.
All items being returned will be repacked and shipped in our own boxes (original packaging sent in will be discarded).


32. Correction of Slips and Errors

The DexterLine Online presence and any correspondence identified with a transaction, may hold typographical failures or different lapses or errors and would not be able to be finished, or current. DexterLine maintains whatever authority is needed to rectify any blunders, errors or oversights and to update or upgrade the substance at whatever time. DexterLine apologizes, but does not promise to change any slips, errors, or oversights that might occur.

33. Modification

DexterLine maintains whatever authority is needed to alter this agreement at any time. If at any time, you do not to comply to the changes made, you are able to end utilizing the DexterLine homepages and utilities. Your continued use of any DexterLine homepage or Aids following any such update automatically assumes your agreement. Every time you submit an item for bargain to DexterLine, you reaffirm your consent to this agreement. You are responsible to review this agreement every time you utilize the DexterLine Online contents or the DexterLine Webpage. The agreement will be available for viewing at https://DexterLine.com/terms-of-sale. The date of the last changes made will also be available to be seen below the link. Terms and conditions that have been changed will be placed in effect immediately.

34. Clearance

Orders with the amount of $2000.00 and up can be randomly placed on hold for up 14 days for security clearance. If accepted, payment will be processed the same days as item(s) cleared.

35. Payment

Generally, after you ship your item, it takes 2-5 days before we receive it. It then takes us up to three business days to get it checked into the inventory, carry out the data wipe, fully confirm that it matches the description you sent with your original request for a quote. At this point, if you’ve chosen PayPal or Amazon payment, you’ll have to allow an additonal two business days prior to receiving your funds (a total of four business days from the time we receive the item).

If you’ve requested payment by check, it usually takes up to 15 business days for U.S. Postal Service to deliver. We strive for the fastest turnaround to ensure that you’re paid as quickly as possible. If, under extremely rare circumstances, your item requires additional testing, or if any other issue arises, we’ll immediately send you a notification via email.

*** Please note that when a major influx of items come in, there can be a delay with orders being processed and paid out. The delay/wait for payment can be up to 45 business days from the time that the device goes into the inspection process. Thank you in advance for your understanding and we appreciate your support during these times. ***


36. Сheck Fraud

DexterLine is actively fighting check fraud and employs multiple security systems. In rare circumstances, our system makes a mistake and blocks legitimate customer checks. It is customer responsibility to notify DexterLine about a mistake in seven days. DexterLine will reissue the payment and reimburse the customer any back fees upon providing a proof of bank charges.

37. Applicable Law and Venue

This agreement, and the terms of deal and transfer of title of your products, are administered and construed by Massachusetts law and  the laws of the United States. No clash of laws or procurements within the purview will connect with the proposed terms and conditions. By clicking on the “Agree” button beneath, you agree with all binding terms and agreements from DexterLine and will be recorded and submitted in the state of Boston, Massachusetts. All issues and questions should be settled in the English dialect.

If you have any issues, concerns, or questions about the above agreement, please don't hesitate to message admin@DexterLine.com.

Last updated: February 28, 2019.